Processing Fee Policy

The Studentfy platform is a fantastic tool for any student who wants to organize an event, and skip the ridiculously high commission fees, lack of customizability and sub-par customer service of other platforms. A good part of what we charge goes straight to the bank behind our payment platform. The rest helps us cover the costs of keeping the platform alive. Still, we want to help you make your event a reality and decided to cut fees in half for those events where we help you find the perfect venue.

The Studentfy Ticketing platform has four processing fees depending on the type of product and how much Studentfy is involved in planning and promoting the event.

Third Party Events:

  • 2.99%: Studentfy helps you find and/or negotiate the price of the venue, which helps us increase our bargaining power, a 2.99% fee is added to the event’s price. This fee may be added on top of the original price of the event or included in it depending on what is agreed between Studentfy and the event organized.  Events that require a great deal of work (+100s of participants), different venues, many invoices, on the door check-in and other event-related tasks will get a fee between 3.5 and 4.5%.
  • 4.99%: If the event organizer has everything planned and only needs the Studentfy platform to sell tickets, a 4.99% fee is added to the event’s price. This fee may be added on top of the original price of the event or included in it depending on what is agreed between Studentfy and the event organized.

Studentfy Events and Trips

  • 1.99%: For all of our own events and trips to cover online ticketing platform servicing costs.

Membership and Services

  • 0%: Our Studentfy Premium Membership Card and services such as the Legal Help Fee and the Health Insurance do not have any processing fee added to them.

* There may be some exceptional cases where the processing fee may not follow the structure above and be different depending on agreements, requirements, availability and demand, or any other reason.
** You can choose whether you want the fees to be added on top of, or included in your price.

Are you thinking about organizing an event for your school? Let us know! Here are some of the benefits:

  1. We will help you develop your idea. In 99% of the cases we have organized something similar for another school / student.
  2. We organize +300 events every year. Reason why we negotiate in bulk and get big discounts on rental fees, dinner menus, drink prices and other conditions.
  3. Use our photographers and camera crew, payment platform, App to check-in access on the spot, legal help, logistics know-how and much more!
  4. The best thing? It’s completely free. And the venue will contribute a percentage of their profits to the graduation fund of your school! (Don’t know what the graduation fund is? Click here to learn about the Studentfy Graduation Fund)

Have some doubts? Send us an email to